
Supplementary information to the manuscript:
The DNA sequence of human chromosome 21
The Chromosome 21 Mapping and Sequencing Consortium
M. Hattori1, A. Fujiyama1, T.D. Taylor1, H. Watanabe1, T. Yada1, H.-S. Park1, A. Toyoda1, K. Ishii1, Y. Totoki1, Y. Groner14, D.-K. Choi1, E. Soeda6, M. Ohki7, T. Takagi8, Y. Sakaki1, S. Taudien2, K. Blechschmidt2, A. Polley2, U. Menzel2, J. Delabar9, K. Kumpf2, R. Lehmann2, D. Patterson10, K. Reichwald2, A. Rump2, M. Schillhabel2, A. Schudy2, W. Zimmermann2, A. Rosenthal2, J. Kudoh3, K. Shibuya3, K. Kawasaki3, S. Asakawa3, A. Shintani3, T. Sasaki3, K. Nagamine3, S. Mitsuyama3, S.E. Antonarakis11, S. Minoshima3, N. Shimizu3, G. Nordsiek4, K. Hornischer4, P. Brandt4, M. Scharfe4, O. Schön4, A. Desario12, J. Reichelt4, G. Kauer4, H. Blöcker4, J. Ramser5, A. Beck5, S. Klages5, S. Hennig5, L. Riesselmann5, E. Dagand5, T. Haaf5, S. Wehrmeyer5, K. Borzym5, K. Gardiner10, D. Nizetic13, F. Francis5, H. Lehrach5, R. Reinhardt5, M.-L. Yaspo5
Consortium Institutions:
1 RIKEN, Genomic Sciences Center, Sagamihara, Japan
2 Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie, Genomanalyse, Jena, Germany
3 Dept. of Molecular Biology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
4 Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung mbH (GBF), Braunschweig, Germany
5 Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Genetik, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany
Collaborating Institutions:
6 RIKEN, Genomic Sciences Center, Tsukuba, Japan
7 Cancer Genomic Division, National Cancer Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
8 Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, Japan
9 UMR 8602 CNRS, UFR Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France
10 Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, Denver, CO, USA
11 Medical Genetics Division, University of Geneva Medical School, Geneva, Switzerland
12 CNRC UPR 1142, Institut de Biologie, Montpellier, France
13 School of Pharmacy, University of London, London, UK
14 Dpt. Of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Supplementary Information:
Go to HSA21 Database
