Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics - Ihnestraße 63-73 - 14195 Berlin - Germany - Phone: (+49 30) 8413 0 - Fax: (+49 30) 8413 1394
  Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics - Ihnestraße 63-73 - 14195 Berlin - Germany - Phone: (+49 30) 8413 0 -
Fax: (+49 30) 8413 1394 -

Chromosome 21, Gene Expression and Regulation
Legend of Suppl. Table 1: Complete raw data for the mmu21 genes
Column A: Gene positions on human chromosome 21 (in base pair).
Column B: Gene name/clone number.
Column C: Genes ubiquitously or not expressed in control mice, according to the array hybridizations results.
in green: genes expressed in all nine tissues.
in purple: genes not expressed in any tissues.
Columns D, E: triplicated genes escaping the 1.5 fold expression rule in Ts65Dn mice (confirmed by qPCR). Each colored cell displays the tissue where the dysregulation occurs.
D: Compensated or down-regulated genes are shown in blue.
E: Over-expressed genes are shown in red.
Column F: Gene ontology (Biological process).

The following columns are displayed for each of the nine tissues:
  • Gene name/clone number.
  • Array-mean-ts: Mean of spot intensity replicates in Ts65Dn.
  • Array-sem-ts: Standard error of the mean-ts.
  • Array-Bg Tag-ts: Average background tag of Ts65Dn. If the Bg Tag >= 0.9, the gene/clone is considered as expressed (red), if the Bg Tag < 0.9, the gene/clone is considered as not expressed (grey).
  • Array-mean-co: Mean of spot intensity replicates in controls.
  • Array-sem-co: Standard error of the mean-co.
  • Array-Bg Tag-co: Average background tag of controls.
  • Array-ratio (mean): Ratio (mean Ts65Dn / mean controls).
  • Array-se-ratio: Standard error of the ratio.
  • Array-ratio-p-value: p-value of Wilcoxon's rank sum test, indicating the significance of the ratio.
    A p-value <= 0.05 was considered as significant. Note: an artificial p value of 2 was attributed when the reproducibility factor of control spot or Ts65Dn spot indicated non-reproducible data.
  • RT-PCR-ts-flag:
    • Detected: The gene was amplified before the 32nd cycle by real time PCR in Ts65Dn.
    • Weakly detected: The gene was amplified after the 32nd cycle by real time PCR in Ts65Dn.
    • Not detected: The gene was not amplified by real time PCR in Ts65Dn.
  • RT-PCR-co-flag: Same annotation as for RT-PCR-ts-flag, but for control tissues.
  • RT-PCR-ratio (mean): Average ratio (Ts65Dn/Euploid) of the different experiments.
  • RT-PCR-SD-plus: Standard deviation above the ratio.
  • RT-PCR-SD-minus: Standard deviation below the ratio.