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  Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics - Ihnestraße 63-73 - 14195 Berlin - Germany - Phone: (+49 30) 8413 0 -
Fax: (+49 30) 8413 1394 -

Chromosome 21, Gene Expression and Regulation
Legend of Suppl. Table 1: Complete raw data for the mmu21 genes

This graphic combines data corresponding to the genes analyzed by real-time PCR in all tested tissues.
The Y-axis represents the total number of clones detected at a given amplification cycle range (X-axis).
Genes that are considered "not expressed" on arrays (background tag < 0.9) are represented by red squares (327 clones)
Expressed genes on arrays (background tag > 0.9) are represented by blue diamonds (399 clones).